Ken Ayugai was born 1970 to a Japanese father and German mother, near the ?sh market in down town Tokyo. Soon after birth, his parents took him to be raised in Riverdale, N.Y. until the age of 9. Thereafter he spent most of his youth in Tokyo, except for one year in 1986 when he returned to New York and started his ?rst band at the age of 16. After his return to Tokyo he entered the prestigious Gakushuin University, the designate university for the Emperor's family, where he studied law while playing in a Heavy Metal band. His band "Bump'n Grind" released two albums before their split up in 1999. During his University years, Ken also made his TV debut in 1993 as one of the ?rst VJs of the newly established MTV Japan. He has been an active player in the Japanese entertainment industry ever since as Musician, Actor, Radio DJ and TV personality, etc.
今年もこの季節がやってまいりました!「FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL ’19」の魅力をたっぷりとお伝えする特別番組のナレーションを担当させて頂いております!注目のライナップ紹介はもちろん、テレビ朝日アナウンサー・枡田沙也香さん進行の元、筋金入りのフジロック芸人・ハライチ澤部さんと、生粋のフジロッカー・片瀬那奈さんがフジロックの魅力を徹底討論!
ORIGINAL LOVEやJonas Blue、clammbonのミトさんといった、豪華な今年の出演アーティストのインタビューもたっぷり!